White-fronted Bee Eater  African Fish Eagle  Spa Day  Male Impala  Ele climbing up the river bank  Ele on the run 
Almost line astern  Giraffe  Leave me be, I'm trying to nap!  Thirsty work being an Ele  Big fella  Ele and Impala 
Protecting the little one  Out of Sequence  Can you see me?  Malika  Herd in the water  Ele bums on parade 
Lilac-Breasted Roller  Little Ele  Impala herd  Thirst quenching!  Play time  Ol' banana tooth! 
Full yawn  Releaxed  Yawn  Somewhere to go  Martial Eagle  Spotted Hyena 
Early morning stroll  On the move  Surveying  Hippo on the move  Got one!  Daybreak crossing 
Trouble  Cute or fierce?  Is she going to feed us?  She still won't feed us  Double trouble  Aw mum 
C'mon mum  Stretching cub  Water Buck  Tree with a view  Watching you, watching me  Pause for a portrait 
Tree with a kill  The Boss  Impala leap  Young Baboon  Buffalo with friends  Civet resting 
Civet  Relaxed under lights  Buffalo portrait  Another Buff  Leopard  Leopard Portrait 
Lion Cub  Leopard  Tree Climb  Made it!  Goliath Heron  Splashing around 
Chillin'  Southern White-faced Scops Owl  Ground Squirrel  Lion Cub  Leopard Profile  Side-striped Jackal